The lovely folks at online Berlin guide Qiez.de chose our salon ESHK Friseur Neukölln for their top 5 hairdressers in Neukölln / Top 5 Friseure in Neukölln.
They write: “In December 2015, the first branch of the trendy London top hairdresser ESHK Hair opened near the Karl-Marx-Strasse station and a little away from the beautiful Körnerpark. The owner Miguel has transformed the rooms of a former sex cinema into a light-flooded shop with huge windows, wooden floorboards and bare walls. Only the specially made neon lettering “is legal sex anal?” Behind the counter is reminiscent of the old days. In addition to a great haircut, you also get music inspiration here and can calmly browse through the vinyls in the connected record store.”
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